score more in facebook messenger fooball or soccer and basketballHow to score more in Facebook messenger games ?

Nowadays, People are being stick with Facebook messenger. People love messaging using Facebook messenger. The reasons behind it is smooth , faster and contains lots of fun. Updated version of Facebook messenger games has lots of features and best of it is emoji game. Now user can play games like basketball and football

soccer in messenger. Due to this new features people do some kinda fun with their friends and dear one.
Now let’s talk about Facebook messenger games. Basically many people enjoy playing basketball and football soccer games in messenger. It is very interesting and mind blowing game. In both basketball and football soccer we score as mush as we tap correctly with respective emoji in screen. If we like to play football soccer then fist we have to find football emoji and just text to anybody after that just tap once and new widow will appear where can play. Playing football in Facebook messenger is just like drilling football in real life. In messenger inside the football score game we can drill football just tapping falling football and increase score until we let the football out of screen. Sim

ilarly to play basketball fist we should bring basketball emoji and text to anyone we want and just tap it which will bring you to new window where you can play it. In basketball also you can increase your score as much as you can put basketball into hole. In this way you can play these funny game with anyone connected with messenger and challenge them with you score.
It is very hard to score high in basketball and football score in messenger. Hardly we can score 30-50 in these games. In my case I had scored 55 once in soccer and I felt very great. But cheats are also available for these game which today I am going to teach you.

Before you start this tricks to get more score in basketball and football  in Facebook messenger you should have following things:

  • Ensure that your phone has root access
  • Download the Game Guardian (GGuardian)
  • Facebook messenger

If you have already these three things then we can move ahead to the following procedure :
First Open Messenger and select Emoji of respective game. Suppose if you want to play football soccer then select football soccer and send to any of your friend to whom you are going to challenge

  1. Open GGuardian and select messenger there.
  2. Second, play one of the game (either basketball or football soccer) and score 1 and go back to GGuardian and  put the value 1 and specify the value type as Dword and tap on search which will bring many result but we have reduce it and find the exact result for our game.
  3. Now again go back to messenger game score two and go back to GGuardian put value 2 and search it which will reduce previous search result and do repeat in same way like just score 3 and again search and reduce the search result until few result remain like 3-4 result.
  4. After you have 3-4 results remain you will see exact result for your game
  5. Now modify the value of your game which you got in search result and put whatever value like which will be your future score in the respective game. If you want to get 9999 in basketball/football soccer then just modify the value to 9999 and tap on yes and and minimize it.
  6. Hurrah ! Now you can score as much as you want in facebook messenger football or basketball games 🙂
Note: For this kind of tutorial, explore more on Geeky Master